World Beer Cup

Register your brewery to participate in the 2025 World Beer Cup competition - complete the following information

Competition Eligibility

Before registering, please confirm that your brewery meets all eligibilty requirements for participation, as defined on the "Competition Details" page of the World Beer Cup website.

Breweries in planning and/or those not operational as of December 12, 2025, or who do not meet all eligibility requirements for the competition may be disqualified without further notice.

Registration Time Limit

Please complete this registration within 60 minutes-time. After 60 minutes, the form will time out, and you will have to start again.

Contact Information

Enter brewery information carefully, paying attention to both spelling and capitalization.  Please avoid using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.  Your information will appear in any online or printed materials where the brewery name is used exactly as it is entered on the next tab.

Most importantly, per World Beer Cup compliance rules, ALL post event marketing materials mentioning any potential winning awards are required to declare the winning beer and brewery information EXACTLY as it is entered on this form.

WBC Brewery Registration * Indicates a required field.

Enter Contact Info

If another brewery has 25% or more interest/control in this brewery indicate this in the "Parent Brewery" text box.

Primary Contact & Mailing Address

Please list best primary contact email address and cell/mobile phone number for all competition correspondence. This is the contact information we will use to communicate any competition information (deadlines, procedures, etc.) or competition registration related questions regarding your entries.
The address listed should be the best mailing address for your facility in case of any post-event award shipments, etc.
Enter your company-affiliated email address.

Please provide the best phone number to reach the primary WBC contact for your brewery (cell phone preferred).

Secondary Contact

If different from the Primary Contact, please indicate the name/email of a person who will handle marketing emails. Examples might include pre-event marketing questions or post-event "Promote Your Win" correspondence. This person will not be copied on all other competition correspondence.

Subtotal = $0.00

Questions? Contact: